Dominica Update
Aerial of Roseau | Cr: DDA

Lonely Planet Captures 8 Best Things to do in Dominica

Dominica is being featured on Lonely Planet’s “8 best things to do on Dominica.” The travel guide book publisher highlights Dominica’s Kalinago culture, Boiling Lake, Waitukubuli National Trail, Champagne Reef, Trafalgar Falls, Pointe Baptiste beach, Emerald Pool and Roseau. Described aptly as an “adventurer’s playground” and an “unhurried respite…to disconnect from life’s chaos,” the feature guides those planning their getaways with some of the best on the Nature Island. With Lonely Planet’s monthly website traffic ranging between 4-5 million visits, Dominica should receive a boost in awareness thus leading to an increase in visitation numbers.

The October 12th, 2022 review can be read here.